Because Words Actually Matter
Charlie's Book
Friday Mornings in a Mexican Restaurant

In English and Spanish
En inglés y español
One man's life is another man's lesson. It's Friday morning. It's early. And they're not here for the tacos. Teaching a weekly men's bible study group at an unassuming Mexican restaurant in south Texas, Charlie is a modest leader. Not completely comfortable with the label of "leader" but compelled to share the lessons that he's learned on his own life's journey, scars and all. Mistakes, heartache and hope emerge from the motley crew who participate in Charlie's bible study group. All are in very different stages of their lives, and attending for very different reasons. But from the start, they have one thing in common. They want to be better men and they believe that God can help them. Small objects. Big lessons. Charlie uses simple object lessons as the framework for his teaching. Sometimes the object is an ink pen. Sometimes, it's a pecan. Sometimes... it used to be a cockroach. Always, it's life changing. Lesson after lesson pour from this book. The stories of the lives influenced, changed and saved are captivating, accessible and deeply moving. The narrative style of the book is based on real people, real stories and real lessons. Free from growth-inhibiting conditions like "judgement" and "guilt trips", you'll watch personal relationships form and flourish amongst the men as they find inspiration from Charlie's lessons and strength in one another. And Charlie learns a few things along the way, too. Over to you. You don't have to be the leader of a men's bible study group to be moved and inspired by this book. However, if you find yourself leading a bible study group, a workshop or even a sermon, you'll find object lessons in this book that you can use or modify. "God is in the giving business. If we don't take the gift, we disrespect not only the gift, but the giver. If we take the gift but then don't use it, we waste it. When He gives us something, He expects us to use it." - Charlie Patchett
Viernes Mañanas en un Restaurante Mexicano